Port: 7171
Uptime: 99.9563%
Players: 146 (240) / 1000
Current time:
06 November 2024 09:28:21
Now 3863 players are playing on 127 servers.
In our database there are 1758 OT Servers.
Added: 31.10.2024
Rl Evo No Reset
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Hostname: | fibulia.com |
Port: | 7171 |
IP Address: | |
Players: | 0 / 0 |
Owner: | Peter |
Total Uptime (%): | 99.89% |
Now Uptime for (hours): | 2h 19m |
Record online: | 10 players online on Sat, 26 August 2023 19:34:42 CEST |
Client: | 12.2 |
Type: | PvP-E |
Exp: | x1 |
Exp Type: | Stages |
Server: | Fibulia RL 5.0 |
Monsters: | 84913 |
Map: | Custom |
Added: | Wed, 21 June 2023 20:25:01 CEST |
Latest online: | Wed, 06 November 2024 09:24:55 CET |
Welcome to a world that has never been before, we have been forced to build a new settlement. Are you curious why? Read this short story: The Tibian land you knew no longer exists, it all started with a massive attack of dark forces... Thais fell first, the demons destroyed it in just a few hours. Then Carlin - there Ferumbras and his brothers left only a huge crater. The hellish creatures did not spare Mailand and the surrounding islands, it was total destruction and our world was not prepared for this attack! Those who survived hid on the island of Fibula, but this area would be far too small to rebuild the city. Powerful Mages and Druids, using their abilities, created a new embankment - the artificial island of Fibulia, on which they decided to rebuild. The first settlers created a village and made laws, then a city was built and portals were created to the surviving cities. Extensive exploration has been able to connect us to our nostalgic places in the temple of Fibula, you can see what was left of this catastrophe. explorer! Explore the Tibian world anew with the new systems that our authorities have introduced, explore numerous quests and endless missions. Have fun at Events, the adventure begins again! |
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- February 28, 2024, 06:42 PM
- February 17, 2024, 06:38 PM
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- October 09, 2023, 08:36 AM